Yoga management software


VIsion: what we see for the future

We envision a world where all people explore the body’s physical and emotional needs

causing expansion within the self and a collective evolution with others.

mission: HOW WE lay the bricks each day to get there

Power of Your Om provides inviting and inclusive yoga programs where people can courageously, joyfully and safely explore their physical body and emotional states to expand their awareness into their daily lives.

values: The beliefs that help us find our way & fill us with purpose.  


Choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy and a willingness and strength to do things that frighten us.  It’s doing what we say we are going to do no matter what.  It’s speaking, living, and loving truthfully.  It’s making eye contact when you want to look down or away.  It’s staying a moment longer when you want to run away and quit.  


A positive attitude that comes from feeling and being connected to yourself.  It’s being simultaneously vulnerable and trusting even if you are emotionally uncomfortable.  It’s the embodiment and practice of gratitude in a moment.  It’s smiles, tears, dancing, sunrises, a hand to hold, and a safe place to land.