LAUNDRY  - We’ve tried lots of things… Sweat secretes oils from the skin which high-tech synthetic fabrics hold onto.  Old school yogis will say to shower before and after practice but we are always in a draught so save some water & try these tips.  

  • Hang your clothes to dry before tossing them in the bin.  Add Essential Oils to your wash during the rinse cycle. 

  • Try WIN Sports detergent - it breaks down those stinky, sticky oils and gets them out of your high-tech gear.  

  • Use Tide Pods w/ Febreze 4in1 Sports Odor Defense.  If you notice your clothes are still stinky, it’s time to recognize all the hard work you’ve put in, burn your clothes and get some new ones.  Not kidding. Even lulu’s don’t last forever (though they will return almost anything 😉)

SLIP & SLIDES ARE FUN… BUT NOT IN YOGA.  When you start to get slippy on your mat, get a full-length towel.  The yoga towels are both thin and perfectly sized for your mat. You may notice people spraying their mat down before class - if your hands + feet don’t sweat right away, this helps get the grip you need.  

GET THE BEST VIEW + MEET NEW PEOPLE - We have the best view in all of Santa Barbara.  Get to class a few minutes early and slot your mat in the front of the room so you can get the mountain view…and a chance the windows may open during Savasana (the sleepy pose at the end of class).  Put your mat by new people each time you come in so you can meet some rad humans. The studio is filled with inventors, business owners, college students, and a lot of cool people living the dream in this bomb-@ss town.  

PARKING - There is almost always street parking on Chapala, Victoria, Sola or State street.  If not, park in Lot 5 behind the studio and pay the $1.50, in OR the Lawn Bowling Lot on the corner of Chapala & Victoria which is free after 5pm on weekdays.

NEED TO PEE - We have shared bathrooms in Victoria Court that help us to keep costs down for you!  The bathroom is located in the downstairs west-ward corner near the mailboxes. A code is needed to enter, usually you’ll find it on our chalkboard.  

DOWNLOAD THE APP & SIGN UP FOR CLASS - When you are heading to a friend’s for dinner, you send them a text to let them know you are almost there, right?  Treat yoga the same... pre-sign up for classes, sign in on your way up the stairs and then we can spend more time catching up on life when you walk in the door because we know are coming!
